Waiapu Catchment Technical Advisory Group

Waiapu Catchment Technical Advisory Group  


Position Description

Gisborne District Council and Te Runanganui o Ngāti Porou are seeking people with technical and applied knowledge in freshwater management, and connections to the Waiapu catchment area, to become members of the Waiapu Catchment Technical Advisory Group.  

The purpose of this group is to enable technical expertise, applied with a local lens, to support the development of the Waiapu Catchment Plan. The Waiapu Catchment Plan is being co-developed by Gisborne District Council and Te Runanganui o Ngāti Porou in line with the Joint Management Agreement entered into in 2015.

The Waiapu Catchment Plan is part of Gisborne District Council’s implementation of the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020 and forms part of the review of the Tairāwhiti Resource Management Plan.

The Waiapu Catchment Plan will set the vision and regulatory and non-regulatory framework for water quality and quantity within the Waiapu catchment area and eventually sit within the Tairawhiti Resource Management Plan. 

More information on the Joint Management Agreement and the Waiapu Catchment Plan can be found here https://www.gdc.govt.nz/environment/rivers,-water-and-wetlands/our-rivers/catchment-plans/waiapu-catchment-plan.

The Waiapu Catchment Technical Advisory Group will not replace engagement with hapu. In addition to working with the Waiapu Catchment Technical Advisory Group, Te Runanganui o Ngāti Porou and Gisborne District Council will also be engaging with hapū, landowners and communities throughout 2025 to inform plan development.

Advisory Group Membership

Members are being sought for the Group which will meet every 1-2 months to discuss and recommend matters for inclusion in the Waiapu Catchment Plan.

Evaluation of Applications

Council and TRONPnui will evaluate applications to determine the suitability of applicants, and to ensure an appropriate size and composition of membership and representation of skills. Criteria for evaluating applications are:

·        Demonstrated link to he Waiapu Catchment area.

·        Have an active interest in freshwater and applicable experience.

·        Demonstrated ability to work with others and collaborate.

·        Ability to support engagement with hapu, community and stakeholders.

Meeting Logistics

The Advisory Group will meet every 1-2 months, starting April 2025. Meetings will be 3 hrs long. Seven meetings are planned and will be held in the Waiapu catchment area at a venue to be confirmed.

Expectation of members

The group will review and recommend proposals to support the maintenance and good health of freshwater, and it is important that members are able and willing to commit to the process for its full duration. As such, members:

1.     are expected to work collaboratively and respect other viewpoints. The aim is to achieve consensus on recommendations from the group. This may not be possible, but all members must come to the meetings with that intention.

2.     should live within the catchment area or demonstrate a strong association with the catchment area.

3.     are expected to attend all of the meetings.

4.     will receive pre-reading material ahead of meetings and are expected to come prepared to the meetings.

5.     should also be able to act as a conduit of information to the wider community.

Terms of Reference

A draft Terms of Reference (TOR) will be presented to the group for discussion at the first meeting and will include, among other things:

·        Objectives of the Waiapu Catchment Technical Advisory Group

·        Guiding principles

·        Member attitude and collaboration

·        Reporting requirements

·        Confidentiality.

Each member will be expected to review and approve the Terms of Reference at the first meeting.


Members will be paid a meeting fee of $225 for each 3hr session attended. This fee covers preparation time, including reading over Advisory Group-specific reports, and liaising with Council staff with pre-meeting questions. Refreshments will be provided.

Key dates

Application forms available                                                             21 February 2025

Applications close                                                                             7 March 2025

Members advised                                                                            17 March 2025

First meeting                                                                                      3 April 2025

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