How can we help?
Te Hiringa Matua
Pakeke & Kaumātua
Te Hiringa Matua

Since 2017, Te Hiringa Matua has been growing and using Mātauranga Māori to support whānau, hapū, and iwi well-being. We aim to improve health for Māmā, Pēpi, and Whānau affected by Mental Health and Addictions. Our work is based on Mahi a Atua, which teaches Te Ao Māori perspectives in all our thoughts and wānanga processes.

The name Te Hiringa Matua is taken from Te Oriori (lullaby) mo (for) Tuuteremoana, an ancient birthing karakia that describes the phenomenon of human procreation and the instinct to care for children.

I taatai ai te puhi ariki

And blessed upon this young person

Te Hiringa matua

Was the power to parent

Te Hiringa tipua

A magical power

Te Hiringa tawhito-o-rangi

An inherited power

Kōrero Mai
Contact us now:


06 986 1696 or 0800 222 949


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Visit us at:

Te Mata Kupenga

778 Gladstone Road, Gisborne

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