I am a 54 year old female who has regular Breast Screening each year. We have no family history of breast cancer, and every mammogram of mine has come back normal. I was due for my scheduled mammogram in February this year, which i missed as I was very busy at the time. I then missed the recall appointment. I was not worried, as Breast Cancer has never been a 'THING' on my radar. I am Healthy, I am not on any medication for anything. I was 100 percent positive in my mind that Breast Cancer could not happen to me. One morning Marianne Craig, my work colleague, poked me in the arm and said 'your name has come up on my template as non compliant for your Breast Screen. I told her not to worry, I am not worried. Her reply of 'YOU are going, was very forceful and the seriousness in her voice gave me a little face slap. I went to have my mammogram. It was a little uncomfortable as I remembered from the past ones, but not painful, and took about 20 minutes. By the time I had got back to work the Breast Screener rang me and rescheduled another appointment as they had found 5 lumps. The second appointment confirmed the lumps and I was sent to Hawkes Bay to have biopsy. The team in Hawkes Bay took out 6 bits of the lumps for further investigation. I week later I got a phone call from the Breast Nurse. She told me that 6 different professionals have looked over my results and cannot confirm that it is NOT cancerous, as the detection of the lumps is at a very early stage. So early that we can do something about it immediately. I have been scheduled to have more Breast tissue removed for testing, and hopefully get a diagnosis from this. This is my journey so far. I am so grateful to Marianne for giving me that no nonsense push to get tested. It would be a very different situation for me today, had I not gone to that appointment. Early detection is a life saver! Mammograms are a lifesaver! Get checked wāhine mā, if you are unsure how or if you have questions, please contact Marianne Craig or any of our staff over at Puhi Kai Iti.
Screening Kaiāwhina Client